Intel Graphics Technology
Intel Graphics TechnologyThis is an Intel video adapter. Features
Linux X.Org driver
This chip is supported by the 'i810' or 'intel' driver as part of the X.Org distribution. You should also have intel agp and drm enabled in kernel:
Use xf86-video-intel-2.1.0 or greater (2.0.0 has a bug). For dual-head you should set big enough area in xorg.conf: (2048 2048 max)
Section "Screen" (..) Subsection "Display" (..) Virtual 2048 768 EndSubsection EndSection
Then you should setup your displays by hand or by adding to the end of /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc (just before starting window manager, btw. multi head wm recommended, fluxbox works fine):
xrandr --output LVDS --auto --pos 0x0 --left-of VGA
ThinkPad LCD
Display on the internal LCD works as long as you set the monitor settings correct.
External VGA port
Works. Dualhead supported (see above).
SVideo port
Not available.
DVI port
Not available.
Linux kernel Framebuffer driver
This chip will work with either the 'vesa' or 'intelfb' driver as part of any recent 2.4 or 2.6 kernel.