ATI Mobility Radeon X600
This is a ATI video adapter. Features
Linux driver
2D acceleration is supported by the "radeon" driver in
ThinkPad LCD
Display on the internal LCD works as long as you set the monitor settings correct.
External VGA port
There are known problems. The driver from ATI turns off the switching between internal and external port. Workaround: Don't use the ATI driver if you want to use this feature - use the VESA driver instead.
For Ubuntu Dapper read single/dual/cloned screen - should work fine.
SVideo port
DVI port
Proprietary ATI driver
The fglrx driver adds 3D acceleration.
Type the following commands after you have loaded the fglrx module:
# aticonfig --initial
# aticonfig --overlay=opengl
To use hardware overlay for video playback, choose an SDL or GL output driver in your video player. This will greatly reduce your CPU usage while watching a movie.
Linux kernel Framebuffer driver
Supported by "radeonfb" for console, but conflicts with when using "radeon" or fglrx.