Installing Gentoo on a ThinkPad X220
DRAFT! Installationdiary - Gentoo on a X220 DRAFT!
Model Specs
X220 - 4290-W1B
replaced internal HD with SSD Intel SSD 320 Series 120GB, 2.5", SATA II (SSDSA2CW120G310)
BIOS Update
Turns out to be very Linux unfriendly. There a ways to boot the .iso image with grub. I tried grub2 with help from syslinux memdisk, reached some kind of bios update menu. But got stuck there. After all I did it by installing Win7 and running the Windows BIOS update tool.
Boot from USB Stick
Sysresccd (2.2.0), which has a pretty nice script to create a bootable USB-Stick, failed to boot on the X220. Created an bootable usb stick from the gentoo-minimal.iso with unetbootin. Works.
Partition the Drive
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary fat32 1 201
mkpart primary linux-swap 202 4047
mkpart pimrary ext2 4048 120GB