Talk:Install Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) on a ThinkPad T400

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Revision as of 12:01, 4 April 2009 by Jango (Talk | contribs) (Active Protection System)
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Added instructions for adding installing ath5k drivers, added a section about screen resolution issues, and fixed minor errors.


Suspend/resume workaround

I managed to get suspend/resume working by disabling Bluetooth.

which way?

How did you disable bluetooth? Did you try unloading the bluetooth kernel module in the sleep script and loading it again on resume? Or did you use a hardware switch or maybe soft disabling the device in /sys/ /proc/ or something? --Low 17:08, 13 January 2009 (CET)

Active Protection System

First: I hope, my english isn't to bad.

I managed to get the HDAPS working under Ubuntu 8.10, but I didn't gain any experience, if the system runs stable. So Test the following at your own risk.

It would be nice, if somebody could verify my mini tutorial. Ok, let's go.

  • Add the jaunty repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list (main and restricted) and run sudo apt-get update.
  • Install the 2.6.28 kernel: linux-image, linux-restricted-modules, linux-headers, linux-headers-*-generic. Thereby you must update linux-firmware, libc6-dev and libc6.
  • Comment the jaunty repository out and run sudo apt-get update. Then install module-assistant.
  • Search the modules thinkpad_ec.ko and hdaps.ko and rename them (of the new installed kernel).
  • Get the Debian packages tp-smapi-source and hdapsd out of the experimental tree.
  • Build and install tp-smapi by (as I did it, only build-essential get installed)
sudo module-assistant prepare tp-smapi
sudo module-assistant auto-install tp-smapi
  • Create /etc/modprobe.conf and add the following lines:
options thinkpad_ec force_io=1
options hdaps invert=1

The issue for the first line is describe in the tp-smapi doc. I checked the output of hdaps by hdaps-gl (part of hdaps-utils). To get an proper output, I needed to add this parameter (see tp-smapi doc too).

echo 'KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{phys}=="hdaps/input1",ATTRS{modalias}=="input:b0019v1014p5054e4801-*",SYMLINK+="input/hdaps/accelerometer-event"' \
 > /etc/udev/rules.d/51-hdaps.rules
  • At last, install the hdapsd, you downloaded.
  • Have Fun!

--Gezzo 01:45, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

How did you get tp_smapi installed with the option HDAPS=1 in module-assistant? HDAPSD form ubuntu sources is too old, it will not work! The initiation script also needs to be edited! I made an step by step guide on Install Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) on a Thinkpad T400! With this steps it works for me, it also starts automatically after an reboot!

--Jango april, 4th 2009

UTMS for my T500


I just installed ubuntu on my new T500 (thanks for the article about how to do so). Now nearly everything works fine, but the integrated UMTS/HSDPA (mobile broadband) functionality is not working yet. I added a new connection in the "Network Connections => Mobile Broadband" dialog (Vodafone D2 in germany) but after trying to connect it imediatly says "Disconnected - The network connection has been disconnected". I've been using my UMTS-contract with Ubuntu 8.10 successfully on my Dell laptop.

The "Network Tools => Devices" dialog gives me the following options for network devices:

Loopback Interface (lo)
Ethernet Interface (eth0)
Unknown Interface (wmaster0)
Wireless Interface (wlan0)

Seems as if the utms card is unknown to the system, doesn't it? Do I have to install some drivers or tools for this integrated card?--Slartidan 15:21, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

PS: lsusb and some reasearch told me, that I have an "Ericsson F3507g WWAN Card" in my ThinkPad T500 NJ252GE I found some Information about that card with ubuntu here: [1] (but I'm not sure, wether I know how to compile a kernel...)

lsusb says:

Bus 008 Device 002: ID 0bdb:1900 Ericsson Business Mobile Networks BV

--Slartidan 17:00, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

I have a link for you to an german discussion forum: [2]

I hope you are able to read in german...

--jango 23190, 03 March 2009 (UTC)