radeontool is a hack to turn on and off the panels background light and external video.
- turn background light on/off
- turn external video on/off
There's also a script called lightwatch.pl available at the project homepage that turns off the background light whenever xscreensaver blanks the screen and back on when unblanked. A more sophisticated version can be found here.
You may need to set up sudo
(preferred method) or make the executable setuid root by issuing
# chmod u+s /path/to/radeontool
in order to allow unprivileged users to use it.
Project Homepage / Availability
Slackware v12 does not include radeontool, so I had to find source. I was unable to connect to the any server at fdd.com on March 11, 2008. I was able to locate source and compile it for my T30 from http://mirror.x10.com/mirror/ubuntu/pool/main/r/radeontool/
Perhaps we could host the source here too?
- stable and active