Installing Fedora 8 Generic Notes
Installing Fedora 8 Generic Notes
This is a guide for generic installation notes of Fedora.
Linux standard fonts are not the nicest of the world even for LCD displays. I recommend to import TTF fonts of Windows by your own and tweak the freetype installation and disable antialising for best font display. Please search for "freetype bytecode_interpreter fedora" in your favourite search engine. Copy standard TTF fonts from your Windows box to a special dir (/opt/fonts or /usr/share/fonts/ms). Make these fonts known to variuos font providers.
Edit /etc/X11/fs/config and look where to enter your path.
A quick guide:
# yumdownloader --source freetype
# rpm -i freetype*src*rpm
Fedora < 8
Edit freetype.spec (/usr/src/redhat/SPECS/freetype.spec) and look for something like "without_bytecode". Set this to "0". Then do:
# rpmbuild -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/freetype.spec
# rpm -Uvh --force /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/freetype-*.rpm
Fedora 8 and above
# rpmbuild -bb --with bytecode_interpreter ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/freetype.spec
# rpm -Uvh --force /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/freetype-*.rpm