Hello, I am barnoid.
I'm currently working on making my lovely new T60 work properly with Debian. I also have a T21 which runs Debian.
Handy bits of the wiki
External useful stuff
HDAPS-devel mailing list [1]
ipw3945-devel mailing list [2]
KThinkBat [3]
I started by making the rescue CDs from within windows just in case. This required seven CDs and took ages.
Then I booted using Knoppix 5.0.1, which mostly worked fine apart from the X video driver. It tries to use the ati driver, then after it fails a few times it defaults to vesa at 640x480. It can be fixed by fiddling with the xorg.conf file, or avoided by booting with xmodule=vesa
and screen=1400x1050
I used qtparted to reduce the size of the preinstalled windows partition to 10GB. I didn't touch the rescue partition at the end of the disk. I created a 2GB swap partition and used the rest of the space for the Linux partition.
I installed using the Debian Testing (Etch) netinst CD. The Stable netinst didn't recognise the e1000 NIC. This all went smoothly except again for the X driver, it tried to use ati again.
I allowed the installer to install grub in the MBR. It recognised the XP partition and identified the rescue partition as Win2k. Both still work fine when selected from the grub menu, though the ThinkVantage button doesn't load the rescue system anymore.
Special Keys
Using xev I identified the following keycodes:
Back = 234
Forward = 233
FnUp = 164 (media stop)
FnDown = 162 (media play/pause)
FnLeft = 144 (media previous)
FnRight = 153 (media next)
and produced the following file for xmodmap:
keycode 234 = XF86Back keycode 233 = XF86Forward keycode 164 = XF86AudioStop keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext
After much Googling trying to find out how to make these xmodmap settings usable system-wide I discovered that I should have just RTFMP, specifically
$ man Xsession
which contains an example of exactly what I wanted to do.
Create the file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/40custom_load-xmodmap containing:
SYSMODMAP="/etc/X11/Xmodmap" USRMODMAP="$HOME/.Xmodmap" if [ -x /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap ]; then if [ -f "$SYSMODMAP" ]; then xmodmap "$SYSMODMAP" fi fi if [ -x /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap ]; then if [ -f "$USRMODMAP" ]; then xmodmap "$USRMODMAP" fi fi
Then save the xmodmap definitions file to /etc/X11/Xmodmap for system-wide, or ~/.Xmodmap for user specific definitions.
Why this file doesn't exist by default I have no idea.
After this the back and forward buttons Just Work in Konqueror. I set them to switch between tabs in Konsole. The media control keys can be set to work as appropriate in all KDE apps using their "Configure Shortcuts" dialog.