How to make use of Power Management features

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General Information about Power Management features

This page should give you all the information you need to make use of your ThinkPads Power Management features under Linux and hence effectively enhance your battery life.


All ThinkPads support APM and a lot support ACPI as well, but at different qualities of implementation. The both technologies cannot be used at the simultaneously. So you'll have to make a choiche which would depend very much on the model as well as on the state of ACPI support in the kernel.

On older models you are surely better off with APM, if they feature ACPI at all. I.e. the first models from the A, T and X series seem to have an incomplete ACPI implementation.

In recent models, ACPI generally works fine and is a lot more flexible than APM, but with a lot of them also a Problem with high power drain in ACPI sleep has been experienced.

>(more precise and extended info should be provided here)<

How to enable certain features

The following links will take you to separate pages dealing with the various topics.