Installing Fedora 8 on a ThinkPad T61p
Installing Fedora 8 on a T61p
This document outlines configuring Fedora 8 on your Thinkpad T61p. Most items will work out of the box and a base install will provide you with an almost completely working system. Due to the modular nature of the T61 there are many different configuration, please read carefully and only make the changes specific to your system.
Feel free to update this Wiki with your information however please ask questions on the Talk page.
Installation Notes
- Booting from the installation CD/DVD is only working in text mode due to the nVidia cards, you can use later vesa mode or nVidia drivers or livna nVidia drivers for X
You have following alternatives for your graphics in X:
- vesa mode, no 3D support
- nVidia drivers, download from the vendor
- nVidia drivers by livna (prefered)
The last options is provided by following packages: kmod-nvidia, xorg-x11-drv-nvidia.
Important note: the synaptics driver, which is detected by default does not give the acceleration setting to a attached mouse or the trackpoint. Please replace the section for the synaptics driver with the following one:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Logitech"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
Option "Protocol" "auto"
source: Installing Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) on a ThinkPad T61
Nvidia Quadro N140 and 570M:
The brightness controls do not work, however you can switch to a virtual terminal (ctrl+alt+F1) increase or decrease the brightness and then switch back to X (ctrl+alt+F7) without disrupting the running applications. In a few rare cases switching back to X (ctrl+alt+7) may freeze your computer with a black screen so save any open documents before switching out.
When using the vesa driver the brightness controls do work. So this problem seems to be related to the nvidia driver.
Working, volume keys not tested yet.
Ethernet and Wlan is fully supported. Wlan will be detected as wlan0.
Suspend to RAM
Working. Suspend to Disk seems to have display problems.
Fingerprint Reader
Is fully supported by the thinkfinger package.
Having installed thinkfinger, we make it known to the authentification system. Edit /etc/pam.d/system-auth and add the module right before So your system-auth should start like this:
# This file is auto-generated.
# User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
auth required
auth sufficient
auth sufficient nullok try_first_pass
auth requisite uid >= 500 quiet
auth required
Then save a fingerprint for each user that is allowed to log in via fingerprint. For example, for the account auser this is done with
tf-tool --add-user auser
Now whenever you are asked to enter the password for auser, you can also swipe your finger:
[anotheruser@thinkpad ~]$ su auser
Password or swipe finger:
[auser@thinkpad ~]$
You probably want to enroll the root account so you can just su to the superuser without entering the root password.
I had to use the PAE kernel to be able to use all 4GB, otherwise a maximum of 3GB is only seen.